Day 9/100 of my DevOps Journey

  1. Product Backlog - All the requirements for the product.

  2. Sprint backlog - Stories to be done in the next sprint (next 2 weeks).

  3. Done Increment - product increment done by the end of the sprint.


  1. Sprint planning meeting - planning out the entire sprint

  2. Daily scrum - daily stand-up

  3. Sprint

  4. Sprint review - demo time for the stakeholders

  5. Sprint retrospective - reflection by the team on the sprint

Benefits of Scrum:

  1. Higher productivity

  2. Better product quality

  3. Reduce time to market

  4. Increased stakeholder's satisfaction

  5. Better team dynamics - creates a productive environment

  6. Happier employees.

  1. Epic > Stories. Smaller stories lead upto a Epic. Usually when an Epic is too big to fit into 2-week (sprint).

Story Points:

  1. Story points are the estimate of difficulty in implementing a certain user story
  1. Ranking the backlog by importance

  2. Technical Debt - Anything you need to do that the customer does not perceive it as value.

  1. Team velocity is the number of story points that a team can complete in a single sprint.

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